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Annual General Meeting 2024

NOTICE OF 2024 Annual General Meeting.

Notice is hereby given that the 86th Annual General Meeting of Invercargill Repertory Society will be held on Wednesday 27th March 2024 at 8:00pm will be held at Repertory House corner of Esk and Jed Streets, Invercargill.

All paid members are entitled to attend the AGM and will have the right to vote. Non-paying members are welcome to attend the meeting. However, you will not be eligible to vote. We will be opening Rep House one hour before the start of the official AGM for members to socialise and enjoy a cuppa together. This year we will have a guest speaker – Lisa Benson, Arts Activator from the Arts Murihiku Trust.

Election of Officers required:
Ten Committee Members (One Year Term)

Please complete attached nomination form and lodge it by Wednesday 20th March 2024 with the Secretary (Details on Form).

We welcome any current members to participate in any capacity to the governance and management of the society.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the Wednesday 27th March.