Fancy a new spin on a Greek Classic? Book your tickets now for EurydiceRep. House August 21-24 BOOK HERE!

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From the Lord of Misrule, a Proclamation by order of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth!

Many Yuletide blessings during this Advent season. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of England has gifted her subjects and peasants the opportunity to purchase tickets in the realm of Invercargill for Repertory's production of Blackadder, The Golden Age. This production promises to lift your spirits with disguisings, masks, mummeries and general tomfoolery. Bookings for this March 2021 event, can be made either at the Southland Chamber of Commerce in the SIT arcade or online through Ticketek at Blackadder, The Golden Age. Tickets are on sale from tomorrow, Monday 21st December at 5:00pm just in time for that last minute Christmas present. Her Highness has decreed that demand for this theatrical production will be high so do not hesitate to get your tickets now!

'At Christmas we banquet with rich and the poor.
Who then (but the miser) but openeth his door'. Thomas Tusser (1573)