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Applications closing soon for 2023 Repertory Productions

Wanted Directors and Plays for 2023


Just a reminder we are looking for applications for prospective Directors and Productions for 2023. 
Applications must be submitted this month by Sunday 31st July. We are looking for a diverse range of material and genres and if possible, some Polynesian elements. Repertory’s mission is to Provide, Promote and Foster Performing Arts and as Invercargill is a very diverse city, Repertory is always looking to reflect this in our content. 
If you are interested in just directing, email us your resume at 
If you have a particular play or project you may think would be suitable for Repertory to produce and you wish to direct it, please email your proposal to the same address as above. Your proposal should include: 
The script and/or synopsis.
Rights and royalties information including weblink.
Overview of your staging and ideas.
Why do you wish to direct your proposal.
Your theatrical experience.
Anything else you think may improve your proposal for consideration.
When applications close the Future Productions Committee will review the applications and recommend which projects to present to the Repertory Executive for consideration. 
We are hoping to have next year's productions finalised in September 2022.