Repertory Rumblings Issue 10 (2021)
August 1, 2021
The Mousetrap Postponement and Secret Bridesmaids' Business Auditions
Due to an unexpected medical event, Repertory Invercargill unfortunately have made the decision to postpone our upcoming production of The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie and directed by David Pottinger.Repertory prides itself on delivering high quality productions to Invercarg...
Repertory Rumblings Issue 8 (2021)
May 3, 2021
2021 and Beyond!
It's been a busy couple of months for the Rep. In March we had another successful Blackadder season with the OSTA nominated play, The Golden Age and our AGM. Special thanks to all those involved in the show and to those of you who came and supported it. Congratulations as we...
Repertory Rumblings Issue 7 (2021)
March 1, 2021
Welcome 2021, Time for Fun!
Welcome back to a brand new year and hopefully COVID pending, some great shows for 2021! Blackadder, The Golden AgeTickets for our first show of the year are available now. Blackadder, The Golden Age is on at the SIT Centrestage theater from 17th-20th March and you can purch...
Repertory Rumblings Issue 6 (2020)
December 7, 2020
Christmas Final Dash
Just a quick heads-up prior to the last minute Christmas madness! A reminder to 2020 Repertory Members, that on Saturday is the special Members Only production of "On the Right Track", directed by Gussie Johnson. Bar opens at 6:30pm show starts at 7:30pm, if you haven't alre...
Repertory Rumblings Issue 5 (2020)
November 16, 2020
On the Right Track Cast Announcement
It is with great pleasure that we announce the cast of our upcoming MEMBERS ONLY special performance of On the Right Track by Tim Hambleton and directed by Gussie Johnson.Simon - Nigel EdwardsDunc - Barrie SheehyMichael - Ben KnowlesBarry - Marc ColyerSue - Emma GunnCongratu...
Repertory Rumblings! Issue 4 (2020)
October 25, 2020
Labour Weekend Update
Thank goodness for the long weekend!Just like you, most of us are looking forward to saying goodbye to the year that was 2020! BUT before we do Repertory still have a few matters to attend to. Firstly, next Sunday November 1st we are holding auditions for our upcoming Member...
Repertory Rumblings! Issue 3 (2020)
October 9, 2020
Last Legs Opens Next Week!
Last Legs by Roger HallWith our Major Production for 2020 opening on Tuesday Night, tickets are selling fast, so here's a reminder. The Booking Office is open Mon-Fri 12:00-2:30pm at Invercargill Repertory House 167 Esk St. There will also be limited Door Sales available 30 ...
The countdown is on!
October 1, 2020
Repertory Rumblings! Issue 2 (2020)
The Countdown is on, it's 12 days till Invercargill Repertory proudly presents Roger Hall's 'Last Legs' directed by Jonathan Tucker.After an unprecedented 2020 with everything going on in the world, Repertory finally gets to stage our first and only production for this year....
Repertory Rumblings! Issue 1 (2020)
January 28, 2020
The Latest
Hot of the Press at Repertory this week will be:
TODAY! Invercargill Repertory Costume Hire now has a Facebook page! Click on the Link. Costume Hire FacebookLast Legs, directed by Jonathan Tucker. Cast announcement!End of year production announcement!OSTA award ceremony...